Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Puzzles with Sawyer! {video}

So I've mentioned a few times how much my little Sawyer loves puzzles.

I'm so not joking about this! He probably spends an hour a day doing puzzles.. maybe longer. I can't believe how many times he will sit there, finish the puzzle and just dump it out and start again.

I don't recall Addy being able to do puzzles like this at 19 months. But I have the worst memory ever since having children...I know some of you mammas out there are saying AMEN!

I'm proud of my little nug bug! 
Yes, I call him that. I have no idea why. Oh the names we come up with to call our kids!! 

I even sing to him this whole song to the tune of "This Little Light of Mine," and I have replaced the world "light" with "nug." Think I'm weird yet? lol. I think it started when he was a baby and I called him a little nugget. I had all these names for Addy as a girl, and I didn't know what to call a baby boy so "nugget" or "nug bug" stuck. There you have it.

The videos are a tad long because he does each puzzle twice..actually the first one 3 times I think. This first video I took last night and he was pretty tired, but still going with the puzzles. There wasn't too much chatting going on. lol. The second one I took this morning. Sawyer is officially 19 months old TODAY! 

Too easy... 

Soon to be too easy... 

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